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Conservation Minutes, June 10, 2014

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by John Kemmett, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   John Kemmett, Chairman
                           Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman
  John Murray, Clerk
                          Phil Clemons, Associate Member
Absent:            Laurie Muncy, Agent  
Also Present:              Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         

        Motion to approve minutes of May 27, 2014:   Frank Schellenger
        Second:   John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0


7:00 PM An Informal Discussion with Matthew O’Neil of GEI Consultants who are taking over the remediation excavation and assessment activities at 100 Hawks Avenue, Maps 24 & 16, Lots 70 & 10B  (LiteControl)  (DEP #SE175-0638)

        Mr. Matthew O’Neil came to the meeting to update the Commission and let them know that LiteControl was recently purchased by Hubbell Lighting and that his company, GEI Consultants, Inc., are working with Hubble in conjunction with LiteControl to take over the remediation activities from Resource Control Associates, Inc.. His first question to the Commission was if an Order of Conditions (OOC) had been issued.  Ms. Nehiley replied yes and gave Mr. O’Neil a copy, but specified that it had not been recorded.
        His next inquiry had to do with whether a change in the Plan would require an Amendment to the OOC.  They are proposing to collect shallow hand-sampling of sediments along the outside edge of the flagged wetlands.  The sample locations will be accessed on foot and collected with handheld, non-powered equipment to a depth of 0-4”.  Mr. O’Neil said that the reason for this is that during the emergency remediation, sample borings were taken from the outside edge of the landfill and they hit minor petroleum near the outfall that receives the drainage from most of the property.  It’s possible that there could be remediation within the wetland itself and become a much larger issue.  Mr. O’Neil added that they don’t know the final disposition of the site, but they want to be prepared.
        Mr. O’Neil went on to say that Hubbell had taken a hard look at the building as a potential site for their manufacturing, but the layout of the building facility was not conducive to that.  Another avenue being explored is demolishing the building and “restoring the property and turning it into some kind of land use that is beneficial to the Town.”  One of the possibilities would be to make it into a “green space” after working with the Town to figure out “what is the best use” going forward.  He commented that Hubbell is committed doing something with the property that is acceptable to the Town on a broad basis.  Mr. Clemons asked if there was an expanded version of a plan available showing the other portion of the owned property adjacent to what was shown on the plan before them.  Mr. O’Neil commented that there was an adjacent parcel about 8 acres in size.  Mr. Kemmett commented that the Mass. Department of Fish and Game was a direct abutter and had shown an interest in preservation of the area.  Mr. Clemons suggested that they be a party to these discussions as they would have a shared interest.  Mr. O’Neil said that Hubbell will be working with the town in the coming months to discuss “where they see it going and what they see being done on it.”   
        One of the things that came up in GEI’s research, said Mr. O’Neil, was that there was a Historic District filing filed by the Town’s Historic Commission that included this property and the adjacent neighborhood.  The designation was not approved by the State, but it could be still pending.  “If that comes to fruition it would certainly change any potential plans for the site.”  Mr. Clemons asked if there were any dates for that information.   Mr. O’Neil said he could provide that for us.
        Mr. O’Neil said in terms of remediation for the work being done at the property, some of that will be contingent upon use of the site, some of it will continue to be what Resource Control had presented to the Commission at the previous meeting.  Mass DEP approved handling the solid waste landfill area under the Mass MCP Program.  The limits of that are important because the approved work is being conducted up to the edge of the resource area and depending on the shallow samplings, it may extend into the wetland and become a much larger project.
        One of the things that vary from what Resource Control had presented is that they had discussed planting trees as restoration for removing trees and vegetation last fall during the sampling in the solid waste landfill area.  Mr. O’Neil continued and said that the landfill was created there sometime pre-1960 based on aerial photographs.  Prior to that, the wetland extended up to the existing parking area.  Hubbell would like to restore the wetland boundary back to pre-1960 condition.   It would be incorporated into their plan to put the property back into the condition it was.  Mr. Clemons commented that if a restoration discussion developed, that the Commission might want to “join hands” with the Dept. of Fish and Game, who’s done a “multi-hundred acre restoration just south of this area and there might be a way to coordinate their plans for the landscape” in a way that might be beneficial to all parties.   
        Mr. Schellenger asked if any of the borings and test pits been done.  Mr. O’Neil answered, yes.  Everything that is on the updated Site Plan (dated 10/21/2013) was completed.  All the soil borings and monitoring wells were installed and the sampled data was sent to the DEP.  A status update is due this month and the Phase I Report is due to the DEP and the MCP in August and he will make sure that the Commission is copied on those.  The reports will include all of the data collected to date and any proposed additional investigation that may be required.   
        Lastly, one of the things that were discussed with Resource Control last fall was the potential in-situ treatments for dealing with any residual petroleum impacts from the former Underground Storage Tank (UST) area.  Part of the reason they had looked into that was because they were going off the assumption that the building would remain in place and there would be no change to the site.  If the building did come down, it’s much more effective to go and just remove the residual material underneath the foundation or adjacent to the building near the former UST area rather than try to treat it in-situ.  
        Ms. Nehiley suggested that Mr. O’Neil request a “Minor Correction” to the Order of Conditions in writing for the name change of the LSP from Resource Control to GEI and for conducting the shallow hand-sampling in the wetlands to insure that any potential petroleum impacts that may have resulted from the discharge from the outfall are addressed.  They will get back to us with an update on the excavation limits as well as the potential for a restoration for the solid waste landfill  and at some point, after discussions with the Town, file a separate Notice of Intent for the demolition of the building.
        In addition, Mr. Schellenger requested that when the proof of recording of the Order of Conditions is submitted, to also include the Immediate Response Action (IRA) Status Report prepared by Resource Control last fall containing the most recent information regarding the environmental investigations of the site.

Public Hearings
7:15 PM  Continued Notice of Intent for the repair of an existing septic system within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 505 Liberty Street (Fire Station), Map 81, Lot 15 for Ronald San Angelo, Town of Hanson represented by Land Planning Inc., 1115 Main Street, Hanson, MA  (DEP #SE175-0646)

        Motion to continue to June 24, 2014 at 7:15 PM:  John Kemmett
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  3-0-0


Resignation of David Harris from the Commission
        The Commission thanked Mr. Harris for his many years of dedicated service to the Town of Hanson on the Conservation Commission as well as the Planning Board.

1101 Main Street  
        This discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

Conservation signage for Poor Meadow Brook Confluence Project (Stone property)
        Mr. Clemons explained that it’s required by the State for the grant reimbursement to get Conservation signage posted at the most visible location of the site which is off of West Washington Street.  The sign has to meet particular standards with extra language and a logo from the EEOEA.  Mr. Clemons will price out the cost of legs and the frame for the sign as the installation needs to go up fast.  Ms. Nehiley had secured a quote for the sign from Mass Sign and Decal of Rockland.  

        Motion to approve the quote from Mass Sign and Decal and pay with the use of the        Conservation Fund:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0

Old Business/New Business

Request for a Certificate of Compliance for 135 Union Street, Map 31, Lot 8A for Elisabeth-Allison Jamieson (DEP #SE175-0561)  

        Motion to approve and issue a Certificate of Compliance:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:   John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0

New England Wetlands, Inc./Invoice
        Mr. Clemons informed the Commission that the remaining 10% of the phragmites have been cut down and the pile will be removed by early next week.  The wetland looks a lot better and most of Phase I has been done.  He added that it’s exciting to see the thread of the stream again.  The next Phase will be the treatment of the shoots by direct application or hand wiping of an herbicide.  Mr. Clemons recommended approval of payment of the invoice for Phase I.  Ms. Nehiley is still waiting for a W-9 form from New England Wetlands so the invoice was not prepared for the meeting.

Determination of Applicability for the excavation of test pits for a septic repair at 48 Leon Court, Map 2, Lot 54 for Bruce Balbone  -  signed

Denial of an Order of Conditions for the installation of an in-ground swimming pool for a swimming pool within 25 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 97 Bonney Hill Lane, Map 56, Lot 108 for Dennis J. McDonald – signed


        Motion to adjourn at 8:30 PM:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  3-0-0